Hello Reader, Once again the selection was more than hard to make! There are so many wonderful patterns that I want to put them all on my needles 🙈 Here are some of my favourite socks, hats and mittens/mittens patterns from all those published by the designers taking part in GAL. If you're wondering what the GAL is (or if you didn't receive my newsletter on the subject last Friday), you can find all the details here 😉 You can also find below (at the very bottom of this letter) an interview with Ranée, better known as Arabian Knits, one of whose hats you'll find in my selection. This little series of emails is over BUT the GAL is not! The promotion ends tomorrow morning at 5.59am (I've indicated the patterns on promotion with an arrow ⬇️, so don't forget to use the code GIFTALONG2024 when you buy), but you've got until midnight (US-EST) on 31 December to bind-off your projects and enter the various competitions! And even if you don't manage to finish in time, you can still join us to discuss your project or other knitting-related matters! My sock selectionDe haut en bas et de gauche à droite :
My Hat selectionDe haut en bas et de gauche à droite :
My Mitts/Mittens selectionDe haut en bas et de gauche à droite :
I hope this selection will inspire you for your next knits, Warmly,
PS: I've just finished the body of my Tétras sweater, and I'm now starting on the sleeves. I can't wait to wear it (and to have something else on my needles!). Designer InterviewNote from Chloé: As the GAL is a worldwide event, I thought it would be fun to interview some participant designer and to include their answers in these letters. Enjoy 😊 We all have different stories on how we started designing, how did you? I think I began in the same way a lot of designers do: I couldn’t find a pattern that suited my need, so I started to play with the ones I had. Then, I started swatching ideas and playing with shapes and techniques, until I started coming up with the ideas myself. When and how did you learn to knit? My mother taught me to cast on, knit and purl, while my teachers were on strike when I was 10. She couldn’t remember how to bind off, so had a friend help me with that. The rest I learned from stitch dictionaries, knitting books, and trial and error. Is designing your full time job? No. My full time job is wife and mother. I’ve been a homemaker for nearly 28 years, and a stay at home mom for over 26. We homeschool our children and that is my primary career. What was your first pattern? What is your favourite pattern to date (I know it’s super hard to pick only one, so I’ll allow up to three 😉 ) My first pattern was a simple baby bonnet that I have updated and improved immensely since. My favorites? Yathrib, Najran, and Baladi - if I have to narrow it down. How is your day as a knitting designer? Do you have a fixed routine? My day begins with checking my e-mails and to see if I have any customer service questions to answer. Then, I fit my knitting and sketching around my time at home. I usually work on pattern writing in the evening and Fridays. Where do you get your inspiration? Do you have a fixed process and order while designing a new pattern? Art, architecture, nature, weather, sometimes something as simple as a shower curtain pattern! I write out my ideas and chart any stitch patterns before I cast on anything. Then, I swatch for fabric, drape, and gauge. If it is a simple project, I can write it up first and work from that pattern, changing things that I don’t think work or aren’t turning out the way I thought they would. If it is more complicated, I write the basic numbers I want to target, then knit it, making detailed notes to work from to write the pattern. After that, it is finishing work, blocking and so on, photography, getting the pattern technically edited, and having other knitters beta knit it. I often have my husband read through it for grammar and stylistic errors, and have a designer friend who sometimes gives me a second pair of eyes before I send it to my technical editor. What is your favourite “designer moment”? When someone loves the project she makes! It is still a delight to me when someone chooses my pattern, makes it to suit him or her, and then is thrilled with it. What’s your biggest frustration as a designer? I think my favorite designs are not my customers’ favorite designs. The ones I think of as most simple are my best sellers. What’s your favourite thing to design? And to knit? Favorite to design is probably hats. Favorite to knit, mittens or gloves. Do you have anything you don’t really enjoy knitting? I don’t love knitting socks, but that is because there is a second one to make. There are techniques that aren’t my favorite, but not a lot else. Oh! I don’t really enjoy knitting toys, because I hate stuffing them. Do you do other crafts outside of knitting? A little crochet, and some garment sewing. Note from Chloé: And now, let’s get some quick questions. Try not to think too much about the answers before writing them, just writes what pops up in your head 😊 Favourite needles? Aeros DPNs, magic-loop, or mini circular needles? DPNs You can only pick one kind of thing to knit until the end of your life, what would you choose? Sweaters If you were a yarn, what kind would you be and why? A wool, camel, silk blend. Strong, flexible, soft, and a nod to my Arab heritage. For socks, cuff-down or toe-up? Cuff-down Any pet peeves? Sweaters knit at a much larger gauge than recommended for the yarn. If I am going to spend over 25 hours making something, I don’t want it to pill and thin right away. What was the last knitted gift you gave someone? A baby hat for our granddaughter’s new cousin. Is your stash under control? I mean, it is mostly in containers and organized by weight. . . --- Note from Chloé: Best answer ever, I'm totally stealing that! 🤣 Are you a multi-project knitter or a monogamist? I try to keep three projects going at a time: A design project, a non-design project, and a UFO or simple project I can go to when the other two get too big/complicated for knitting in public or while chatting with people, or challenging and need a time out. If you could have any superhero power, what would it be and why? Does it have to be only one? If I could enter a defined space (room, fenced yard, etc.) and just by thinking it have everything clean and organized, it would save so much time for me to be able to knit and read more. Favourite meal/snack to eat while knitting? I rarely snack or eat while knitting. Usually, I have a hot drink, or glass of water with me. If you could only have two knitting gadgets, what would they be? Besides needles? Cable needle and blocking mat. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past? Past. What kind of project would you pack in your suitcase to go on vacation? Lots! I always pack projects like I will be there forever. And there will be no yarn shops anywhere. Usually, I have three or four projects with me when we travel. In case I finish one of the three, it is good to have a backup. What’s on your needles right now? A stocking for my daughter in law, a baby sweater for my new granddaughter, and another stocking for my first granddaughter. Do you plan to knit something during the GAL? If yes, what will you knit? Yes, the baby sweater is a design from the GAL. It is Rock Skipper, and I am using a purple Polwarth wool. Thank you for answering all of these questions! Do you have anything else to add? One of the things I love about the GAL is building relationships, not only with my customers, but with fellow designers. Sometimes designing is lonely, solitary work, and it is great to meet with people who “get it.” That camaraderie is wonderful, as is getting a chance to see the beautiful patterns made by others and work on them without having to make all the decisions. |
Bonjour Reader 🦙 I wish you a very merry year, may it be creative, filled with small and big joys, perfect stitches and lots of wins at yarn chicken. This new year marks the 10th anniversary of Tisserin Coquet (already! 😱), on 19 January to be precise, and I’m planning lots of surprises throughout the year to celebrate. While I’m still planning them, I wanted to sincerely thank you for following and supporting my knitting adventures, whether it’s by reading my creative diary, following my...
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, This letter was supposed to reach you on Sunday but I was somewhat taken aback by the 60 pages (!!) of patterns I had to look through to make my selection. So below you'll find my selection of shawl and scarf patterns that are included in this year's GAL. Some are on special offer (using the code GIFTALONG2024, I've marked it with the...
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, As promised, here's a small selection of my favourite cardigan and jumper patterns created by designers taking part in GAL this year. Some are on special offer (using the code GIFTALONG2024, I've indicated using an arrow ⬇️), some are not 😊 If you're wondering what the GAL is (or if you didn't receive my newsletter on the subject...