Bonjour Reader 🦙 I wish you a very merry year, may it be creative, filled with small and big joys, perfect stitches and lots of wins at yarn chicken. This new year marks the 10th anniversary of Tisserin Coquet (already! 😱), on 19 January to be precise, and I’m planning lots of surprises throughout the year to celebrate. While I’m still planning them, I wanted to sincerely thank you for following and supporting my knitting adventures, whether it’s by reading my creative diary, following my...
2 months ago • 2 min read
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, Once again the selection was more than hard to make! There are so many wonderful patterns that I want to put them all on my needles 🙈 Here are some of my favourite socks, hats and mittens/mittens patterns from all those published by the designers taking part in GAL. If you're wondering what the GAL is (or if you didn't receive my...
3 months ago • 7 min read
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, This letter was supposed to reach you on Sunday but I was somewhat taken aback by the 60 pages (!!) of patterns I had to look through to make my selection. So below you'll find my selection of shawl and scarf patterns that are included in this year's GAL. Some are on special offer (using the code GIFTALONG2024, I've marked it with the...
3 months ago • 5 min read
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, As promised, here's a small selection of my favourite cardigan and jumper patterns created by designers taking part in GAL this year. Some are on special offer (using the code GIFTALONG2024, I've indicated using an arrow ⬇️), some are not 😊 If you're wondering what the GAL is (or if you didn't receive my newsletter on the subject...
4 months ago • 3 min read
🇫🇷 Version française plus bas. Hello Reader, The Indie Design Gift-A-Long started last night on Ravelry and I'm one of 211 independent designers taking part this year! What is the Indie Design Gift-A-Long (also known as the GAL)? It's one of the world's biggest events on Ravelry to celebrate independent pattern designers, with lots of KALs and CALs, competitions, treasure hunts and prizes to be won! All patterns from all participating designers are eligible for the KALs and CALs, whether they...
4 months ago • 3 min read
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préfères la lire en français, clique ici pour recevoir la prochaine lettre en français. Hello Reader, It's the most beautiful time of the year at the moment, I would say. The cold has finally settled in, the autumn colours are firmly in place yet the leaves haven't all fallen from the trees, I made myself the first hot chocolate of the year this weekend and the cravings for knitting and casting on new projects are just piling up! 🙈...
4 months ago • 5 min read
🇫🇷 Pre-S: Si tu reçois cette lettre en anglais mais que tu préférerais la recevoir en français, clique ici. Bonjour Reader, JI hope that your month of October has been as packed with knitting, sharing, discoveries and emotions as mine has been! After the Knit.Eat yarn show, where I had the pleasure of meeting some of you in particular at the book signings for my book Chaussettes Douilletteson the stands of some of the book's partners, I published the pattern for the Tétras jumper(I've...
4 months ago • 3 min read
Ravelry (adulte / adult) Boutique (adulte / adult) Raverly (enfant / child) Boutique (enfant / child) (Mon site est lent mais il marche, il faut juste être patient.) (My site is slow but it works, you just have to be patient) Hello Reader, The Tétras sweater pattern is now available on Ravelry and in my shop, in both adult and baby/children's versions! Each pattern is independent, but you can also combine the two patterns at a very attractive price. Available in 20 sizes in total and with...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Bonjour Reader, Cela fait longtemps que je ne t'ai pas envoyé de nouvelles. J'ai en effet été très (très !) occupée. Tu as deviné par quoi ? La réponse est dans l'objet de ce courriel : mon livre Chaussettes Douillettes sur lequel j'ai travaillé tous ces derniers mois est maintenant disponible en précommande !!! Tu peux dès maintenant le retrouver sur la FNAC ou Amazon (et très bientôt également dans vos merceries et librairies) : Précommander le livre à la FNAC Précommander le livre sur...
6 months ago • 2 min read
Bonjour Reader, Je te souhaite une très douce année, qu'elle soit créative, et remplie de petits et grands joies. J'aimerai également te remercier de suivre et de soutenir mes aventures tricotesques, que ce soit en lisant mon journal créatif, en suivant mes tutoriels, en participant à mes défis tricots, en achetant mes patron, ou tout simplement en m'accueillant de temps en temps dans ta boîte de réception 💕💌 De mon côté du monde laineux, cette année sera placée sous le signe des chaussettes...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read